Grey 2004 Porsche Cayenne Turbo V8 automatic SUV For Sale
US $10875 or (AUD) $16900
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Mileage218798 km or 135954 (mi)
Year of Manufacture2004
Vehicle Detail
Grey 2004 Porsche Cayenne Turbo V8 automatic SUV For Sale.
Upgrading to a 7 seater, our cayenne has been absolutely great to own and has never let us down, it is incredibly smooth to drive but the twin turbos make it wake up and go when you need to put your foot down.
There is a tear in the center arm rest on the rear seat, it does have some marks and scratches around the body as you would expect from a car that is used everyday to move a family around. 218,798 km.
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Car located in – Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Makes: Porsche Cayenne 2002-2025.